Bombers DIII vs. Royals

Opening the Bombers 50th weekend, the Bomber White side takes on the Royals in their second league match of the season.

The Royals recently returned to the DIII level this season and was going to be a good test against the DIII side defense. Playing smart and simple defense the Bombers were able to control the line with big hits against the Royals #8. The Bombers controlled the lead going into the half and Jim Morrison scorning a try early in the second half taking out two Royals. Conversion for the game were by Jim Morrison.

The Royals did not give up and kept putting pressure on the defense and slowly moving the ball into the Bombers zone. Coming down to the final minutes of the game, the Bombers were able to hold off the Royals to a 27-24 victory. Photos from the game cane be found here.

Next week the White side takes on Sunday Morning at Marquette Park at 1pm on Sunday.