First match is scheduled for next Friday at Lindenwood University.
The Spring 2019 schedule has been posted here: 2019 Schedule
Make sure to keep checking back as game times could change and events added.

Spring 2019 practice is set to being on Tuesday, February 5th. Practice will be every Tuesday and Thursday evening form 6:30pm to 8:30pm at the A.B. Green Park in Richmond Heights.
Any and everyone is welcome to attend, no skill level required. Only request is that you bring a pair of cleats and running shoes and dress appropriate depending on the weather.
Make sure to check our Facebook page for any updates or post any questions you may have.
Congratulations to Bomber Mike Kellett for being selected to the Midwest Premiership Select Side at Prop. As well as Coach John Watson who will be assisting coach the side.
The Midwest Select side will be playing a game against NOLA Gold on January 5th in New Orleans.
We wish both Mike and John the best as they represent the St. Louis Bomber RFC against NOLA Gold!
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